
Your Future

So what’s the point of all this? What are our economies really working towards and what lies ahead? How we understand the economy today has a direct impact on the world we create tomorrow. The more we get how it works, the more we can have a say in what it looks like in future.

Economic concepts, ideas, and policies, shape the institutions and communities we live in, and influence our own ideas of personal success – be it earning well, achieving a ‘Dr.’ or ‘CEO’ at the front of our name, or living a sustainable life. There are different ways of measuring economic success on an individual and regional level – it depends on what you think ‘success’ is. Some ideas we’ve had so far are growth, progress, development, happiness…

But what with the speed at which technology develops, we can’t predict what our economies might look like 500 years down the line. What can we do to prepare ourselves for the economy of the future?