Can you solve our economics crossword?

1 International organisation set up after WWII to encourage political and economic cooperation (2)
3 Part ownership of a company that can be bought and sold in stock markets (5)
5 Increase in goods and services production often used to define an economy’s success (6)
7 Anything given from one country to another for helping people in need (3)
8 When a single business controls most of a market or supply chain (8)
10 An economy where buying and selling isn’t regulated by the government (8)
12 The amount of happiness or satisfaction you receive from each economic choice you make (7)
17 Things people send abroad to sell (7)
20 To pay someone to do tasks for you (6)
22 What has to be given up in order to have something (5)
25 Done to British banks to try and contain the effects of the 2008 financial crisis (7)
27 Continent which contains 60% of the world’s people and 18% of its wealth (4)
28 Economist-speak for work (6)
29 One of any currency (4)
32 The VIP at the centre of your economy (2)
34 Name given to the policies of a central bank (8)
37 Regular payments given in return for regular work (5)
38 How people participate in democracy (4)
39 Broadcaster funded by a compulsory license fee rather than ads (3)
40 Political party that wants Scottish independence (3)
2 Groups that work independently of any government and aren’t interested in profits (3)
4 Bhutan measures this instead of GDP (9)
5 Surname of the statistician whose model is used to measure economic inequality (4)
6 The total worth of all the goods and services an economy produces in a year (3)
7 First name of the economist who came up with the ‘Invisible Hand’ (4)
8 Economist who developed theory of communism (4)
9 When businesses try to outdo each other to get the most customers and make the most profit (11)
11 52% of Brits said this when asked via referendum if they’d like to stay in the EU (2)
13 The number of degrees of global warming which almost all scientists agree would be catastrophic (3)
14 A British newspaper that specialises in economic and business stories (2)
15 A version of Brexit where the UK stays in the EU’s Single Market or European Economic Area (4)
16 Thing of value that you can buy or sell (5)
18 To give someone money for work or stuff (3)
19 Loans to people with poor credit ratings (8)
21 Something that you can buy (7)
23 Swapping stuff; between individuals, businesses and customers, or countries (5)
24 A period of increased commercial activity within a business or economy (4)
26 The biggest economy of them all (6)
30 This billion-dollar industry is considered in trouble because of demographic changes (3)
31 Slang version of the job title given to the Bank of England’s boss (3)
32 Abbreviated name for a policy where a government prints money to create full employment (3)
33 Money you pay to your bank or credit card company if you spend more than agreed (3)
35 Abbreviated name for customs union established in Europe by the Treaty of Rome (3)
36 When lots of people take their money out of a bank at once (3)
Got stuck? Dw, the answers are below:
1 UN
3 Share
5 Growth
7 Aid
8 Monopoly
10 Informal
12 Utility
17 Exports
20 Employ
22 Costs
25 Bailout
27 Asia
28 Labour
29 Unit
32 Me
34 Monetary
37 Wages
38 Vote
39 BBC
40 SNP
4 Happiness
5 Gini
7 Adam
8 Marx
9 Competition
11 No
13 Two
14 FT
15 Soft
16 Goods
18 Pay
19 Subprime
21 Product
23 Trade
24 Boom
26 Global
30 Toy
31 Guv
32 MMT
33 Fee
35 EEC
36 Run