We're changing the way we think and feel about the economy
The Engage section is divided into the five categories below. We're looking for ideas and submissions across the board. Think beyond the usual suspects – we're looking to feature voices, opinions, and perspectives that wouldn't expect to find themselves on an economics website!
This Week | Our current affairs and news category. This is the place for clear, accessible coverage on what's in the news, that's open about the politics and values behind it. This could be anything from breaking down an important policy in simple terms, to shedding light on a unique new business idea that's changing the way we think about the economy. |
Made Simple | The simpler, the better. This is the place to break down any idea, concept, or principle. These are usually tied into contemporary events or things making the news, but could be anything from hedge funds to inflation to the WTO – whatever you think needs explaining in clear and unbiased terms. |
Voices | A space for anyone and everyone's perspectives. From the story of a telephone engineer who became an economist, to the difficulty of accessing the banking system when homeless, everyone's voice carries equal weight when it comes to how we each experience the economy on a personal level. |
Found | Showcasing what's already out there. There's so much great content scattered around the web – this is the place to bring it all together. |
Everything Else | Everything else! Whether it's a list of weird ways bands have found to diversify their income, or your take on how economics can help justify why you're getting drunk every weekend, this is the place for offbeat approaches to issues we're curious about. |
What stories, issues and news would you like us to cover?

As part of our 'This Week' section, we're looking for your ideas on how we cover the news, what you'd like to see reported, and how.
Whether it's China's economic slowdown, the Rio Olympics, the US general election, or Britain's referendum on the EU, we want to give people the information they need to understand the background, politics, and assumptions behind the way these subjects are talked about, and how they relate to our daily lives.
We're a small, UK-based team, but we don't want that to stop us from covering stories from around the world.
What are the big stories you think we should be covering, and can you help us cover them? Get involved via contribute@ecnmy.org
We're finding creative new ways to talk about the economy
Our Economy sub-brands are strands of content that we'd like to really develop as concepts of their own. We'd love you to take on these concepts and carry out from your perspective, in your community. The sub-brands we have so far are:
Kids Economy | Talking to kids about their ideas on the economy. Whatever their age or background in the subject, we're keen to know what they really think money is, and whether they've ever thought about being an economist before. |
Economy Asks | Asking anyone and everyone their perspective on the economy. From your neighbours to your grandparents, your colleagues to your friends – what does the word 'economy' make them think of, and why? |
Economy Meets | Meeting big financial & economic institutions to find out what makes them tick. The Financial Times, the Treasury, the US Fed, the Bank of China ... whoever lets us in! |
Economy Laughs | Finding the comedy in economics. Silly skits, jargon jokes, expert parodies, cat memes – whatever it takes to bring some humor into economics! |
Here's an Economy Asks piece, which we filmed in Detroit as part of our Economy Asks strand. This is our chance to ask people for their insights and opinions on the economy in which they live.
Could you do the same in your community, town, village or city? Or run a Kids Workshop, host a comedy night, film some vox-pops? We'll help you out: contribute@ecnmy.org
What major topics would you like to explore in depth?
Every month, we'll pick a topic and really delve into it in our Economy Explores feature, collating content on the subject from as many angles as we can. These are the themes we have planned so far:
Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | Jun |

What's your take on 'progress', 'health', 'sport', and 'conflict'? What other topics would you like to explore? Submissions could be illustrations, videos, articles, poems – whatever format suits you best. Get in touch: contribute@ecnmy.org
So send us your ideas, your thoughts, your submissions...
Remember, it's us - the people - that make the economy what it is, and so it's up to us to drive the debate forward on how we change, develop and build it for the future. It starts with us talking openly and honestly about what it is and how it works - so whatever thoughts and ideas you have for how we do this, please just let us know. This really is your site and your chance to help shape the way we think about something that affects everyone of us.
Get in touch via contribute@ecnmy.org